5.55% Ginger - India (Ginger is high in Citral along with 477 other constituents)
When choosing the blend I went with theoilsmost often mentioned for potency with Mites, Mildews, Molds and our General Purposes for Indoor Gardening. Out of the list of possibleoilsI also chose the most affordableoilsover the most expensive so long as the reports indicate they were equally effective for our use. Once I found the most potent and economicaloils, I then took the selection a step further and chose the region and type ofoilthat was highest in the particular constituents we were after. For instance, CloveOilcould be from several regions and also from different parts of the plant. I chose Clove Stem because it showed the highest amount of Eugenol of the other varieties of cloveoil.