Use Insect Annihilator to kill and repel Spider Mites, Fungus Gnats, White Flys, Aphids, Thrips, Caterpillars and Powdery mildew. Our broad spectrum pest & mildew control can be used as foliar spray or root.
Spider Mites, Fungus Gnats, Aphids, Thrips, White Flys, Caterpillars, Powdery Mildew
AVAILABLE IN: 16 oz, 32 oz, 64 oz, 1 & 5 gallon
- For best results apply before or after daylight hours, remove dead & dying plant material. Spray all plant foliage and any visible insects. Do not apply under intense light or heat.
- For heavy infestations repeat applications may be required with 2-3 day intervals. Safe to use until day of harvest.